Marker and acrylic on canvas. By Grant Smith, Reuters data journalist, New York.
The Peer Support Network is a group of experienced journalists who are trained to listen and to support you. Our Peers are passionate about what they do and offer an alternative for talking through stress and trauma.
There are more than 70 of them based all around the world, and collectively they speak around 30 different languages.
Anyone in Editorial, including managers and freelancers, can message or call them for a chat. They are trained and supported by licensed counsellors at CiC, the company that runs our trauma support program.
They are happy to listen and to support you or guide you towards people with more specific expertise, for example from CiC, if that’s what you decide you want.
Sometimes it is helpful and easier to talk to a colleague who understands your situation or who you already know, rather than a manager, HR or a counsellor. Similar networks are proving highly successful in the armed forces, emergency services, NGOs and other media organizations.
Confidentiality is absolutely vital in all cases. Peers do not violate this promise unless they consider someone to be at risk of harming themselves or others.
Reuters staff can click here to find a local Peer to reach out to, or those who are unable to access Atrium can contact one of the Network Coordinators:
Global Coordinator, Caitlin Tremblay
EMEA Coordinator, Seham Eloraby
AMERS Coordinator, Oliver Griffin
APAC Coordinator, Pauline Askin
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